Mother Nature grows these biodegradable corncobs in America’s Heartland. Brytin Pelleted Corn Cob Bedding’s special formula is super absorbent, 100% all natural, biodegradable and will compost in as little as 6 months as compared to wood shavings which can take up to 2 years!
100% Natural
BiodegradableVirtually Dust Free
Environmentally Safe Renewable Bedding
Free of dangerous wood dust
Clumps similar to kitty litter
One 40lb bag will absorb over 18 gallons of liquid
Breeder Cleect 紙粒系列
R10BC 10L $110
R20BC 20L $180
R30BC 30L $230
Back 2 Nature 紙粒系列
R10BN 10L $110
R20BN 20L $180
R30BN 30L $230
RGM01 Gimbi 原味木糠 15L $24
RGM02 Gimbi 原味木糠 60L $68
RP016 荷蘭Plospan 白樺木糠 16L $20 <缺貨中>
RP064 荷蘭Plospan 白樺木糠 64L $55 <缺貨中>
** 有原味、蘋果味、香橙味可選
RNP22901 日本Npf 白楊木屑 2kg $98
RSPS10 Small Pet Select 木粒 10lbs $108
RSPS50 Small Pet Select 木粒 50lbs $338
RBK40 Bankwood 天然松木粒(強力吸水裝) 40lbs $218
R02a Feline Fresh 松木木粒 7lbs $85
R02b Feline Fresh 松木木粒 20lbs $170
R02c Marth 松木木粒 40lbs $298 (此貨品不能單一送貨)
R03a Cozy'n Fresh 松木木粒 20lb $208
R04a Nepco Pine 松木糠 $38
R04b Nepco Pine 松木糠 $60
R04c Nepco Pine 松木糠 $98
R04d Nepco Pine 松木糠 2.0 cu.ft $198
R05a Nepco Aspen 白楊木木糠 $44
R05b Nepco Aspen 白楊木木糠 $73
R05c Nepco Aspen 白楊木木糠 $108
R05d Nepco Aspen 白楊木木糠 2.0 cu.ft $218
R04e Nepco Pine 松木糠 8.0 cu.ft $390 (門市自取可享優惠價$330, 需提前預訂)