Exotic Pets



 Mini Zoo  小动物百货  美国粮草及龙猫专卖店

订货专线:5109 3811    

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    最后更新:  21/1/2024


购买3件或以上不同小动物产品金额满$500, 即可获取95折优惠 




     美国Brytin Vitamin C 营养补充片 <热卖货品 店长推荐>



              DBT 001  美国Brytin维他命C丸  (无糖添加)  90片装      $92


     -  天然水果维他命配方,含丰富维他命C

     -  比较其他草本食品,更方便快捷直接吸收维生素C,增加小动物身体免役力

     -  适合多数小动物食用∶龙猫,兔子,天竺鼠,刺猬,仓鼠,其他宠物鼠类





    DBT 002    美国 Brytin® TheraBiotic 2X Probiotic  二次元水果丸   (无糖添加) 60  $130                         

​ *  取代一般木瓜丸, 并加添多个水果原素, 令功能更全面

​    -  含凤梨酵素有助自然消化排毛功能(预防毛球症)  <即传统木瓜丸功能>

​   -  多款水果酵素有助改善消化系统

​    21功能 : Digestive Support + Immune Support , 完全成份提炼自天然水果 , 并加入益生菌平衡肠道健康


Microbial Support Supplement

Patented Probiotic Formula

Brytin TheraBiotic 2X Probiotic contains a patented Pediococcus acidilactici & Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic formula to support the immune & digestive health of small monogastric animals including chinchillas, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters, rats, mice, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, prairie dogs, and degus.

Features and Benefits

  • Plant-based probiotic
  • Extended shelf life at room temperature
  • Can be used concurrently with antibiotics
  • Survives the stomach’s acidic environment
  • Includes prebiotics, the food for probiotics
  • Made with real fruit powders – no artificial flavors or colors
  • Manufactured in an ISO9001 & HAACP Certified Facility

Supplement Facts
Amount Per Tablet
Pediococcus acidilactici NRRL B-50517 and
Saccharomyces boulardii ……………………. 1.0+ billion CFU’s*
*Colony Forming Units

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, dried apple pomace, dried apples, brewers dried yeast, dried and pitted plums, dried pineapple, maltodextrin, yeast extract, corn oil, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate

Animal weight
1-500 grams ……………… 1/2 Tablet
501-1,800 grams …………… 1 Tablet




         5星*****产品      动物营养师及兽医推荐 信心保证



 美国Sherwood 专业保健配方系列  (100片庄)  <店长极力推荐>


           DW11    改善消化系统 (Digestive Support)        $128   >>产品功能<<      >>>详细特性<<<

​           DW12    维他命C配方   (Vitamin C Support)     $128  >>产品功能<<      >>>同类产品比较<<<

           DW13    提升免役力配方   (Immune Support)   $128     **已停产          

           DW14    健骨骼配方      (Joint Support)              $128   >>产品功能<<

           DW15    泌尿系统配方   (Urinary Support)        $128   >>产品功能<<       >>>详细特性<<<

           DW16    5合1草本精华   (Prevention)                   $128 


  Sherwood 保健系列含不同功能, 能满足你动物所需的不足, 使健康维持及恢服正常水平

  保健片不同功能是针对动物所需而浓缩而成, 效能和品质会比其他草本饼小食系列更能得到保证, 本店推荐         


    **  Sherwood 还有多款小动物主粮 , 可到本网站动物主粮专页挑选          >> 往动物主粮专页 <<



          DHP133   日本Hi-Pet 「极」系列乳酸菌丸 100g    $50 <特价>

          DHP140   日本Hi-Pet 「极」系列木瓜酵素丸 100g    $50 <特价>

** 适合所有小动物食用, 适口性市场最高



                  DHP601   日本Hi-Pet 三次元护眼粒粒 (龙猫专用)  60g    $42

                  DHP602   日本Hi-Pet 三次元护眼粒粒 (兔子/天竺鼠专用)  100g    $62

                  DHP603   日本Hi-Pet 三次元护眼粒粒 (熊仔鼠/仓鼠专用)  60g    $42

                                                   (含美毛原素,令毛髪更亮白; 含益生菌及明目护眼配方)


          DHP500R   日本Hi-Pet 小动物高纤牧草条 (适合任何小动物)  500g    $138


    DHP400R   日本HiPet「极」高纤牧草条 (适合所有草食性动物) 400g   $118   <特价>





          DHP6492    日本Hi-Pet 极系列综合营养配方   120g    $95






          DHPQ10   日本Hi-Pet Q-10白酵母 300g    $128

Q-10白酵母原素∶ 黑酵母好多人听过,白酵母系咪呢? 其实Q-10原素已经广泛用于美容产品上,能抗衰老及减低皮肤氧化,而这个产品同黑酵母接近外,仲加入维生素,全方位功能提升。


Q-10 coenzyme 称之为日本「救心」,能预防心脏病问题

多种维生素及胺肌酸∶ 能改善毛球症,提升肌肉活力,增强抵抗力和减低癌症发生。


**适用对象∶ 兔、天竺鼠、龙猫、土拨鼠、仓鼠,蜜袋鼠等



                 DHP532   日本Hi-Pet 乳酸菌馒头 85g      $30

                 DHP440   日本Hi-Pet 去毛球馒头 85g             $30


                 DHP556   日本Hi-Pet 维他命C粒粒 75g      $30

                 DHP457   日本Hi-Pet 高纤提草粒粒 85g     $30



                 DHP860   日本Hi-Pet 关节护眼粒粒 85g     $30



             DHP560   日本Hi-Pet 粉末饮料 (辅酶Q10能量配方) 2g*4包    $35


**加在水中溶解饮用。无糖和无麸质,每 3 天 1 瓶,持续约 10 天。

** 兔子、豚鼠、龙猫、八齿鼠等小型食草动物适用






             DHP553   日本Hi-Pet 粉末饮料 (化毛配方) 2g*4包    $35


** 含有木瓜蛋白酶和膳食纤维,可使胃肠内容物顺畅流动。


** 兔子、豚鼠、龙猫、八齿鼠等小型食草动物适用








          DHP2087    Hipet AquaCall 小动物用电解质和葡萄糖补充剂10g  $10





      **** 全部统一价∶小包 4g $6  /  罐装60g $78 ****

DMG07    肠胃宝-地瓜口味 

#含高浓度的鼠兔专用益生菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae、纳豆益生菌、木瓜酵素和菊糖, 有助维持肠道菌丛平衡, 增加食物消化及吸收速率, 适用于腹泻、胀气、黏液性肠炎、拒食和其他肠胃不适状况

DMG08    活力宝-香蕉口味

#适用于生病或处于紧迫状态的小动物, 全面配方可补充维生素、帮助正常生长发育、新陈代谢和提升免疫力

DMG09    矿力宝-哈密瓜口味

#本品为小动物专用矿物质补充剂, 提供小动物不易从食物中获取的微量元素, 能快速补充能量和电解质。适合运动前后、感冒、下痢、运输、厌食和脱水等状况使用, 维持体液平衡、活化细胞、帮助造血功能、促进新陈代谢、迅速恢复元气、提高免疫力。

DMG10    美毛宝-哈密瓜口味

#含综合维生素、锌、生物素、肌醇、MSM等维持皮肤和毛发新陈代谢的重要营养素, 并额外添加天然海藻, 含丰富种类的矿物质, 能使毛发强健, 展现健康光泽, 建议于换毛期使用

DMG11    护眼宝-玉米口味

#含叶黄素、玉米黄素、枸杞萃取物等眼睛所需营养素, 特别选用黄金比例5:1的叶黄素和玉米黄素, 吸收更快、效果更好, 能减少不正常分泌物, 维持眼睛明亮


      **** 营养膏系列∶每支50g $98 ****

DMG2    整肠营养膏-地瓜口味

#含高浓度的鼠兔专用益生菌Saccharomyces cerevisiae、凤梨酵素、木瓜酵素和膳食纤维, 有助维持肠道菌丛平衡, 增加食物消化及吸收速率, 适用于腹泻和胀气等肠胃不适状况

DMG3   化毛膏-麦芽口味

#有效帮助排除体内毛球, 预防毛球症, 避免宠物理毛时, 食入过多毛团, 造成肠胃蠕动异常。亦适用于因粗纤维摄取不足等原因引起的肠胃蠕动迟缓

DMG4   基础营养膏-香蕉口味

#适用于生病或处于紧迫状态的小动物, 全面配方可帮助正常生长发育、新陈代谢和提升免疫力, 维生素C用于天竺鼠, 可预防因其体内无法合成维生素C所引起的坏血病

DMG5   卵磷脂营养膏-蔗糖口味


DMG6   寒暑乐营养膏-蔗糖口味

#为小动物设计的消暑解热配方, 使用在饲料改变、食物过效、药物过敏、疾病感染和气候变化造成的下痢及紧迫情形; 包含热衰竭、酷寒、运输、旅行、运动竞赛等引起脱水的危险时, 能迅速使体液恢复到平衡状态



        Oxbow 草本小食



​          **  此产品资料由oxbow官方提供, 实质成效请参照官网而自行判断**


               DNS1a    改善消化系统     $95        DNS1d    健骨骼配方     $95

           DNS1e    泌尿系统配方     $95        DNS1g    毛发改善配方    $95    

           DNS1h     维他命C配方     $95          DNS1m   维生素配方     $95

           DNS2h      大包装维他命C配方8.4oz      $185  


Mult Vitamin Support: Keep your furry friend healthy and flourishing with the Oxbow Natural Science Multi-Vitamin Supplement. This high-fiber small animal supplement is hay-based with essential vitamins that benefit your pet's body systems. The Oxbow Natural Science Multi-Vitamin Supplement is also fortified with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, nutrients that are great to everyday health.

Urinary Support: is easy with the Oxbow Natural Science Urinary Support Supplement. High in fiber, this small animal supplement is made with beneficial ingredients like cranberry and dandelion for overall urinary health and astragalus root to support your pet's renal function.

Immune Support: Your small animal needs a healthy and functioning immune system to stay flourishing. The Oxbow Natural Science Immune Support Supplement helps support your pet's overall wellness with great ingredients like goldenseal, plus olive leaf and astragalus root to support the treatment of infections.

Joint Support: Keep your furry friend vibrant and mobile with the Oxbow Natural Science Joint Support Supplement. This high fiber small animal supplement supports overall joint health with glucosamine that aids in prevention of cartilage degeneration, turmeric and yucca for anti-inflammatory properties.

Digestive Support: If your small animal pet needs an extra digestive boost, try the Oxbow Natural Science Digestive Support Supplement. This high fiber small animal supplement is made a variety of herbal ingredients like chicory root that helps good bacteria grow in the GI tract, ginger to support gastric mobility, and slippery elm for overall digestive health.

Senior Support supplement contains long-strand fiber and various beneficial ingredients to support the overall wellness of senior pets. Ginkgo Biloba is an anti-inflammatory agent and helps enhance cognitive function. Milk Thistle is antioxidative and helps protect the liver, while Ginger Root supports the circulatory system。

Skin and Coat supplement contains long-strand fiber and various beneficial ingredients to support skin and coat health in small pets. Red Palm Oil is a super antioxidant that helps support anti-aging and helps fight against cell damage in the body. Chamomile expresses antipruritic properties. Canola aids in the prevention of skin-related diseases.

Vitamin C supplement is a hay-based, high-fiber supplement containing the essential stabilized vitamin C that guinea pigs need, and other animals benefit from during times of stress, illness or recovery. 



                美国Pet Naturals 保健草本精华系列  "best buy"

             DPP 01   Daily Best (维他命草本小粒)  60片   $68

             DPP 02   Immunity  (提升免役力小粒)   60片   $68

             DPP 03   Calming    (安神配方)  30片               $68


Daily Best is a complete multi-vitamin/mineral formula with digestive enzymes and antioxidants that benefit rabbits of all sizes and breeds.
Daily Best is a balanced, comprehensive formula that maintains optimal health in rabbits and provides nutritional support to sick or post-operative pets. Daily Best provides over 20 synergistic nutrients to support your rabbit’s health, including: antioxidants vitamins A, C, D, E; complete and balanced stress B complex; Selenium to support immune system function; and prebiotics and probiotics to support a healthy digestive system, and a healthy immune system. This product also includes 11 vital minerals to support proper composition of body fluids, formation of red blood cells and bone, and help maintain healthy nerve function


Immunity for Rabbits supports immune system, cardiovascular and liver function. DMG is a derivative of the amino acid glycine and is a substance that humans and animals produce naturally in small amounts. DMG is found in the major metabolic pathways of all cells throughout the body. This abundance allows it to produce a wide range of beneficial biological effects. Supplementing with DMG can help your rabbit reach his full potential.


When rabbits can’t adapt to stress it can lead to nervousness, hyperactivity, abnormal urine marking, excessive scratching, and destructive or aggressive behavior. Calming for Rabbits is recommended for moving and traveling, fireworks and thunderstorms, boarding or holidays, veterinary or grooming visits and changes to environment. Calming helps alleviate stress related behavior problems without affecting your rabbit’s personality or energy level. It can be used daily or as needed to support relaxation. It contains a combination of factors not found in other calming formulas such as Colostrum Calming Complex, L-Theanine and Thiamine (Vitamin B1), which all address stress and relaxation.






           DU 4277    美国Source海藻精华维他命丸     约100g  $25 


** 美国安哥拉龙猫之母 Ms Tucker选定补健食品 (龙猫 / 兔子 / 天竺鼠 等适用及极具功效)

** 每100g体重1 粒 / 建议每天食用 / 开封后请存放于雪柜

   Combines the proven popularity of original SOURCE with the appeal of a convenient, consistent pelleted form. They're made to taste so good they can even be hand fed!

Provides broad spectrum micronutrients which are involved in virtually all the physiological processes. This is why Source users have reported such a wide range of benefits of improved nutritional status. Source users will see benefits in weight distribution, coat, disposition, hoof condition, feed utilization and breeding. Contents are in granular or nugget form.

MICRO NUGGETS... for the perfect combination of form and ingredients
Now a breakthrough enables䒷ource to give you NUGGETS, tasty convenient small pellets that deliver the same results as original SOURCE! This unique blend of all natural micronutrients fills the gap that depleted agricultural soils leave even in the best of feeds.




            D01A    美国ANIMAX 小动物钙粮     约100g  $50



  ** 开封后请一个月内食用或存放在雪柜中





             DA1C   美国Manna Pro Calf Manna 小动物营养粒粒    约100g  $25

          DA1D   美国Manna Pro Calf Manna 小动物营养粒粒    约250g  $45

          DA1E   美国Manna Pro Calf Manna 小动物营养粒粒         1-lb    $80

          DA1X   美国ANIMAX +  Calf Manna (钙粮+营养粒粒)    约260g   $50




High-Quality Proteins = More Growth

Calf-Manna includes multiple sources of high-quality protein. This protein provides a wide array of essential amino acids that meet the needs of many different animals. More proteins equal more growth and better muscle development.

Digestible Carbohydrates = More Energy

Calf-Manna’s digestible carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy. It’s often called “energy dense” which means it delivers more calories per mouthful. Our quality carbohydrates also make Calf-Manna an ideal solution for weight gain.

Anise = Palatability

Ingredients like Anise provide Calf-Manna’s inviting, sweet smelling aroma and taste for animals of all ages. The great taste Calf-Manna encourages animals to stay on feed during times of stress like travel, illness, or environmental changes.

Brewer’s Dried Yeast = Better Digestion

Brewer’s Dried Yeast improves palatability, encourages earlier and more consistent intake of dry feed, and promotes optimal digestion of other nutrients.

Linseed Meal = Improved Coat Condition

Linseed Meal provides protein and oil to help add sheen and luster to your animal’s coat.


At Manna Pro we believe that every animal that comes down our path deserves the best nutrition possible, which is why Calf-Manna® is America’s favorite nutritional supplement.

 ** 开封后请一个月内食用或存放在雪柜中



      DMX 115A   英国 Protexin 百奥宝矿力 (兔仔及小动物专用)    每包2g    $40 (2包)    (缺货)

     严重脱水可危及兔仔或小动物的生命,服用【百奥宝矿力】可快速补充失去的水份。它还含有能帮助恢复有益微生物的益生菌以及可刺激有益菌增长的益生原 Preplex™。





    调配等渗溶液: 将一小包粉剂加入50毫升水中。加入水中后应在12小时内服用。



    • DMX 115B   英国 Protexin 普乐纤维 (兔仔及小动物配方)   500g  $420  (缺货)

    • 就像我们人类一样,兔仔的食物中也需要有大量的纤维。纤维不足可造成消化困难,特别是在后肠道。当日常食物中含纤维不足时, 兔仔便会排出松软的粪便,使它们容易受苍蝇攻击或出现臀部的其它状况。







           DMX 115C   英国 Protexin 花卜百士 (兔仔及小动物专用)  15g  $198  (缺货)




      【花卜百士】也含有能帮助恢复有益微生物的益生菌和可刺激有益菌的增长的益生原 Preplex™。

      如果兔仔食欲严重下降,正在处于服用维生素或近期经历过创伤 (例如手术或受伤), 它们都可从服用【花卜百士】而受益。


      剂量∶ 每公斤体重1亳升, 每天3次,服用1至2天,

      包装: 每支15毫升



      DP5F00a   英国巴派纤维丸 (兔仔配方)   500g  $250



        DSPS60     美国Small Pet Select 营养膏 60ml      $280

        DSPS38     美国Small Pet Select 营养膏 8oz        $328



- 含高纤维及基本营养, 配方专为草食性动物设计
- 分别有糊状及膏状, 更易吸收
- 含益生菌, 营养成份较高, 软便中不宜食用





- 能提供过万活性乳酸菌维持小动物肠道健康
- 增加纤维吸收,而令便便得以改善
- 比市场同类产品比较,加了更多维生素∶Vitamin A, D3, E, D, omega3......
- 可长期服食,更有效维持健康
- 因压力,病后胃口欠佳,软便肚泻等情况下有明显改善效果


        DSPS30     美国Small Pet Select 浓缩益生菌膏 30ml      $188



             D12d   PetLac 营养奶粉    300g      $178



               D124   美国Bene Bac 益生菌保健膏  4g     $59

  •           D125   美国Bene Bac 益生菌保健膏  30g   $205

             D126   美国Bene Bac 益生菌保健粉  1磅    $298




              DA15   APD Probiotic Gel 益生菌保健膏   15g   $88



            DF41  Sanko Wild 小动物维他命营养液 60ml $118



            DVL700  Versele-Laga 维他命补充液 50ml $118



            DA33-8  Zoo Med  钙粉(不含D3)   8oz    $58





            DNF243     日本NPF 仓鼠/熊仔 专用乳酸菌粮 300g   $68




               DF102    日本Sanko 肠活超级大麦片 50g   $48




               DF101    日本Sanko 草粉粮 400g   $108



羊奶粉中含有大量中链脂肪酸, 接近原来母乳, 比牛奶更有营养, 而且乳糖少, 令小动物易于消化, 对肠胃温和, 用于日常营养补充, 广泛适用于生长期各期年龄阶段


         DF50    日本Sanko Wild 乳酸菌钙粉 60g   $108

# 全功能钙质补充剂, 通过添加温和气味及略带甜味, 增强适口性

         DF49    日本Sanko Wild 乳酸菌羊奶粉 60g   $128

# 经低温冷冻生产的活性膳食乳酸菌与羊奶混合而成的补充剂, 消化后能迅速转化为能量, 含钙及各种维生素 

# 可直接混入主食 或 混水后喂食

** 1勺约=1g (约2cc), 请用45'c以下温水混合

** 每1kg 体重 约食用1勺份量, 可根据不同情况适量调整


           D614     日本Sanko Wild 草食性动物糊状膳食补充膏剂 50g   特价 $70

**适合兔子、仓鼠、龙猫、蜜袋鼯, 添加维生素B12,可改善毛球问题


           D615    日本Sanko小动物营养膏    $115

           ** 适合刺猬,蜜袋鼯,仓鼠类



        DS419     日本SANKO 安基酸能量补充品16g *10入    $58 


                   DSF53  日本Sanko Wild 电解水果冻(16gx10个)    $48  



    日本著名品牌Sanko系列 (日本制造)




      D05A   日本Sanko木瓜酵母片    20g (约60粒)      $53

      D417   日本Sanko木瓜酵母片  100g (约300粒)   $128


  ** 开封后建议存放在雪柜或阴凉处,以免受潮或变质






        D05C   日本Sanko  Viatmin C丸  (20g, 约60粒)       $53       

        D429   日本Sanko  Viatmin C丸  (100g, 约300粒)   $128

        天然香口, 维生素C能增强小动物免役力, 强化牙肉及牙龈

     ** 开封后建议存放在雪柜或阴凉处,以免受潮或变质




        D05E  日本Sanko  活性乳酸菌丸  (20g, 约60粒)       $53

        D424  日本Sanko  活性乳酸菌丸  (100g, 约300粒)  $128


     ** 开封后建议存放在雪柜或阴凉处,以免受潮或变质

       DS616      日本sanko 小动物乳酸菌膏  50g    $118

      DS619      日本sanko 小动物化毛膏  50g       $118



                 DS617   日本Sanko Wild 貂鼠专用营养膏     $118  

                 DS618   日本Sanko Wild 貂鼠专用去毛球膏  $118





         DGM001    Gimbi 小动物木瓜酵素麦芽化毛膏 50g   $92



美国Sherwood 超研磨草粉系列       

​                动物营养师及兽医同时推荐, 品质保证

    Fine Grind (超研磨)  -  由动物营养师David Sherwood推荐, 超研磨比市面一般草粉更幼细幼滑, 经多个程序加工才能造成

    制造过程有别于一般其他牌子草粉, 材料先经过磨碎后再加工研磨, 99.9%形成幼滑草粉, 草粉粒子变得微细,更适合患病的小动物进食及吸收., 同时亦不会造成消化压力, 这就是超研磨的优点及珍贵之处

    由于草粉是超研磨关系, 比较上Sherwood草粉所能吸收的水份会特别高 . 所以在准备Sherwood草粉的时候, 只需按指示1:3 混开水就可以,  之后很轻易就可以用针筒喂食小动物 


​** 所有Sherwood产品由草本原料制造, 不含任何谷物

How it works: After an operation or other stressful event some small animals may be too weak to eat. These same pets will have an increased need for specialized nutrition to compensate for disrupted metabolic cycles and caecal fermentation patterns until they are re-established. If needed provide the SARx Rescue product which restores nutrients needed to stimulate the appetite.

Species Specific Nutrition: Instead of providing a single generic formula for all small herbivores, it is very important to tailor the formulas to provide optimized species-specific nutrition. Additionally Sarx Recovery is available in two formulas for each species depending upon body condition (PLUS is for weight gain). You can easily switch between formulas or blend them as needed.




          DSH 10n    兔子专用草粉     800g     $458

         DSH 20n    天竺鼠专用草粉  800g     $458   





         DSH 60A     龙猫专用草粉     114g    $158

         DSH 60B     龙猫专用草粉     454g    $298


适合因病不能进食, 康复中, 肠胃不适或平常一般补充营养及水份使用

A scientifically formulated complete and balanced meal designed specifically for animals who have been stressed by surgery, illness, trauma, or poor nutrition. It provides digestive enzymes, motility herbs, and supplementary nutrients needed to support normal metabolism until proper fermentation cycles are re-established.

Directions: Mix formula in a 1:3 ratio with warm water. Use feeding syringe to draw up the slurry. Slowly mouth feed the liquid diet as the rabbit allows. Encourage as needed. Continue feeding 4-6 times a day until the patient starts eating normal amounts of hay/food. Feeding chart is provided on the bag.

         Plus 白金装  (高营养)

         DSH 50A     龙猫专用草粉      114g         $158

         DSH 50B     龙猫专用草粉      454g         $308


白金装系列比普通装营养更高, 特别给予足够营养你的小动物. 适合因病不能进食, 康复中,肠胃不适, 及特别协助过分偏瘦而需要额外营养补充的动物食用

A scientifically formulated complete and balanced meal designed specifically for animals who have been stressed by surgery, illness, trauma, or poor nutrition. It provides digestive enzymes, motility herbs, and supplementary nutrients needed to support normal metabolism until proper fermentation cycles are re-established.

Directions: Mix formula in a 1:3 ratio with warm water. Use feeding syringe to draw up the slurry. Slowly mouth feed the liquid diet as the chinchilla allows. Encourage as needed. Continue feeding 4-6 times a day until the patient starts eating normal amounts of hay/food. Feeding chart is provided on the bag.



  美国Sherwood SARx  白武士(肠胃激活素)



                              DSARX    白武士肠胃激活素 (香蕉味)   60g     $148


Sherwood 白武士肠胃激活素可混水直接服用, 也可以添加在动物用的主粮上, 或混合草粉一并食用

功能:  能迅速协助肠胃消化及蠕动, 恢服正常体力及运作,  或当动物患病时胃口欠佳, 身体虚弱而需要补充能量及改善肠胃系统

官网介绍: >>>>>> Click  <<<<<<<<



Description: Scientifically formulated fast-acting water soluble nutrient mix that quickly restores the metabolites needed to stimulate the appetite and initiate the road to recovery.

Use: For Small Herbivores that have quit eating and/or drinking due to stress, illness, trauma, improper diet, dehydration, or surgery.

Directions: Use 1 scoop (0.75g) and ~ 3cc (3ml) of water per pound of body weight. Mix with warm water (~75 - 90oF) to dissolve. Draw solution into a feeding syringe (not included) and begin mouth feeding. Within 30 minutes or less of administering SARx rescue product encourage patient to start eating SARx recovery food. If needed, the 2nd SARx rescue dose can be given 30 minutes later. Additional doses can be given every 4 hours at a half rate (½ scoop/lb. body weight) as needed until patient is beginning to eat recovery food.

Ingredients: Glucose, Banana, Potassium Chloride, L-Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), B-vitamin Complex (Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Riboflavin, Thiamine HCl, Pyridoxine HCl, Biotin)

Product of USA




              DSWR01     Sherwood 兔子专用救命急救包 (**包含白武士10g x3 + 草粉10g x15)   $228  

              DSWR02     Sherwood 兔子专用救命急救包 (**包含白武士10g x6 + 草粉10g x45)   $298  



              DSWR01     Sherwood 天竺鼠专用救命急救包 (**包含白武士10g x3 + 草粉10g x15)   $228  

              DSWG02     Sherwood 天竺鼠专用救命急救包 (**包含白武士10g x6 + 草粉10g x45)  $298



                    DTB1    Zoo Med 墨鱼骨    $40




         D11   日本minimal good小动物专用奶粉  (2g x15包)   $79

                  **高营养配方, 适合刚出生的小动物或产前产后使用 



         DMR94     日本MR 活性乳酸菌乳酪粒 20g   $39




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